Friday, February 8, 2008

Valentine's Day

Yeah, so I'm six days off, but tonight was the monthly womens program at the Oasis, and keeping in spirit with the upcoming holiday, tonight's theme was love, complete with heart-shaped cookies and cards.

Many, if not all of the women that came tonight heard for the first time in their lives that they were made in the image of God, and that loving Him is not something forced - it is a choice only they can make. It's strange to think that this is an entirely new concept to them. To hear of a God who loves them simply because they are precious to Him...I guess only God knows how much the message sank in. Lovely women, though. It was fun to just sit and make cards with them and laugh about nothing in particular.

I can't believe we have less than a week left. Time has flown by at a very fast pace. A month sounds like a lot longer than it actually is.

I've decided, after much mulling over the subject (but not really that much), that the Austria RefMin team draws a very close second to the Athens team. Doesn't quite make the top spot, but it's up there. Congratulations, guys!



  1. Athens team beats all other teams. End of story.

  2. Did you girls find the castle OK?

  3. I'm sorry, did I read that correctly? There is actually a team that is ALMOST as cool as us? I'm going to have to go to Austria myself to confirm that, I think.

    Thanks, Stevesy, for your vote of confidence.
