Sunday, March 30, 2008

colorado therapy

yes, it's me AGAIN!!
i won't say much, because i'll let kenrdra tell what's been up (if she ever gets back on the blog!), but i just must say how much i've been enjoying being here. they are so great here, SO much fun to be with. they treat us well :)
the "work" they have us doing here (so far) has been painting. we have been painting silhouettes on the walls of the staff dining room and.. well you'll see the pictures. i am really just wanting to write about how much i am enjoying it. some of you might know that i fancy myself an artist, but i haven't done any kind of artwork since..well too long. no REAL artwork since last summer. very sad. anyhow, it's not like i'm doing anything freehand, or even that requires all that much artistic ability. all we are doing is painting in the lines. but to be able to do this mindless painting has been absolutely therapeutic for me. just time to think, or NOT think, whichever i just let my mind wander and i totally get lost in it. i have no idea how much time passes, and before i know it they are telling me to put my brushes down and take a break, get some lunch. i love painting.
i love this kind of work!

have some pics:

(btw, i added a few extra photos in the previous post, if you haven't seem them)


Anonymous said...

Looks FUN! You know I love painting, too. The "think time" and the before/after feeling of accomplishment! Enjoy! It looks great! Glad you're having a good time- my love to the Willoughbys! Love you, Miss Vic

Anonymous said...

fun stuff. let's show it to paola and we'll count it as that big art project you, kendra, and I were supposed to do but never did. I bet I could make her think that zach is me in that picture...

-the attic child

Anonymous said...

Wow, you look so 'at home' with that paint brush in your hand! I'm so happy for you! Wish I were there with you. Oh, and the photo of you and Celeste is fabulous - send me a copy to my e-mail address!